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    作者:jrs直播   发布时间:2024-04-30 15:29   阅读:  次



    Ezri Konsa was another player to pick up his first cap too, after being introduced as a first-half substitute in place of Kyle Walker.The Aston Villa defender quickly grew into the game and like Gordon, result aside, admits he enjoyed the experience."It’s definitely worth the wait and it's a dream come true - a proud moment,” said the former England MU20 player."I wasn't expecting to come on that early, but I enjoyed every moment of it. I thought we were the better team and dominated the ball, but we couldn't score a goal."You see their front four and you see the quality they have got. They always have a lot of talent and we saw that tonight."I’m sure the other boys don't like losing. It’s never a nice feeling and we wanted to win so it’s a mixture of feelings but hopefully I can look back on tonight and see that I have made my debut for England."It is crazy, if someone told me years ago I would’ve said you were lying. It is every kid's dream to play in a major tournament, so hopefully I make the squad that goes to Germany."Join our official England WhatsApp channel to receive exclusive updates from camp. Sign up for England updates here or join our Lionesses WhatsApp channel here.

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